Saturday, December 10, 2011

The Saga of Missy & other stuff

Poor Missy!

About 2 weeks ago now, we went to the beach and when Missy jumped out of the truck she lost her footing and hit her chin on the ground and drove her upper canine into the lower canine and fractured both teeth vertically.  Now we're off to the vet in Brunswick and are advised that both will have to be extracted so off to surgery she goes.  She does very well and is released and then several days later we are smelling what seems to be rotten meat.  We had been advised not to lift her lip as it delays healing but now we have to and are confronted with a huge hole that should be sutured.  Back to the vet and she tells us that sometimes this happens and back into surgery she goes for a re-sew.  She is back home so we'll see how it goes.  Missy never does anything the easy way.

We are really enjoying this area.  We are involved in winter guest activites.  Tonight is the camp Christmas party at the golf club.  I have been able to get involved with the local softball scene and have been working small tournaments on the weekend.  Today was the last day for the year, then they take January off and start again in Feb.  The talent isn't great but its not bad either.

Hope you all hve enjoyable holidays.


Cheryl said...

Poor Missy! Hope she heals soon, wouldn't want her missing out on the Christmas dinner.

Tim, good for you for getting involved with the local scene, was kinda worried you'd just sit around getting fat and lazy .... lol

Sounds like you guys are enjoying your retirement. Be safe and have fun!

Chris W. said...

Can't imagine Missy not feeling well. She's always had a "smile" when she greets me, but I guess she hasn't been "smiling" very much lately, huh?

Anonymous said...

Poor dog! Must have been hard for her to eat through all that. Not so easy on the wallet either, I bet. Hope she's better soon. Linda C.