Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ta Dah! Introducing...

The Portuguese Man o' War.  So we were taking our daily walk on the beach to look for shells when

we notice all these blue things that look like small balloons with blue string-type things hanging from them.  Of course we didn't have a clue what these were and decided to take some pictures to try and identify them.  Didn't take long till our mystery was solved!  They are Portuguese Man o' War and possess a nasty sting. 

We had a strong nor'easter (yes, they have them down south too) over the weekend with really strong seas so it appears that is what blew them ashore.  Interesting is the fact that they have a gas-filled bladder which can grow up to 12 inches wide - the ones we saw were only about 2 inches. These bladders can also deflate if threatened causing the whole thing to sink.  The tentacles can reach a length of 165 feet and are used for "fishing" of small sea creatures for their diet. 

This critter is responsible for up to 10,000 human stings in Australia each summer and can cause severe pain which can last 2-3 days.  Although death is extremely rare but it can happen.  Yipes!!!

Who would think that something so beautiful could be so deadly!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

If you get stung by one, you have to pee on the sting ..... YES, I said pee on it. Urine helps dilute the venom.

I was told this by an old Hawaiian ..... course, it was Clarence who told me, so he could have just been pulling my leg. ROFLMBO