Thursday, July 28, 2011

Crater Lake National Park - Awesome!

We took a road trip today to Crater Lake National Park.  If anyone ever says lets go there, do not hesitate as it is a mind blowing event.  To adequately describe it I quote Will Steele who first saw it in 1885 and said "The time is coming when men of weatlh who have looked with pride upon the Alps, will cross the great Atlantic, wonder at the grandeur of Niagara, linger in the valleys of the Yellowstone, gaze with rapture at the fleeting marvels of the Rocky Mountains, and at last, stand on the walls of Crater Lake, overcome with astonishment and mute with an unspeakable admiration of the sublimity of nature as there unfolded"  I just don't think there is any other way to say it.  They say "Why So Blue?"  Light gets absorbed color by color as it passes through clear water.  First the reds go, then orange, yellow, and green.  Last to be absorbed are the blues.  Only the deepest blue gets scattered back to the surface where you see it as the color of the water.  The water is of course, no more blue than the sky is blue.  It is the deepest lake in the US and the 8th deepest in the world.  Don't miss this if you are in the area.

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