Friday, March 28, 2014

Headng North

Well the "winta" season is rapidly coming to a close.  It hasn't been the best weather season here but I guess that is true country wide.  We had more rain than we needed and many days of what is considered "cold" here, so spent more time inside than out.  Guess its just the cycle.

NJ did well at the Jekyll Arts Festival taking a first, second & 2 thirds for her photography.

Sadly, Missy passed away early in our arrival here & we miss her very much.  We have a new pup now named Birdey and she is quite the young lady and we are enjoying her very much.

We leave April 16 and will head for Nashville for a week while NJ completes a teaching gig there.  From there we are going to spend a few days at Manassas, VA at the battlefield.

We are due in Bear, DE on May 1 and will be at a State Park called Lums Pond.  We will both be doing hosting positions here for the summer.

Will blog along the way.

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