Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuse

We spent the day at the Okefenokee.  The name means "Land of the Trembling Earth".  It measures more than 1/2 million acres in size and was established in 1936 to protect migatory birds.  In 1937 350,000 acres of the refuge was given additional protection as a National Wilderness Area.  the refuge is home to hundreds of plant and animal species including the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker.

We are going to Columbia, SC on the 19th and will see Granddaughter Samara graduate from Army boot camp. Will spend a couple days with her before she heads off for further training.

The Jekyll Arts group is having their annual arts festival this weeekend and NJ has entered 5 pictures in the photography judging.

Time on Jekyll is rapidly coming to a close.  We leave here on April 1 and will head for South Carolina where NJ is going to give a presentation to a SPCA group in Aiken.  From there we head to the Outer Banks and will stay at Cape Hatteras for about 2 weeks before moving slowly back to Maine.  We are due back in Maine around May 1.

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