Sunday, December 9, 2012

Squirrels & Such

We were in town today and upon returning to the rig we found the screen that covers the roof vent in the bedroom lying on the bed.  At first thought it had fallen on its own but soon ruled that out when we saw Jackson with his head poked into the closet and Missy standing behind him whinning.  It was soon apparent that a squirrel had fallen thru the screen after getting under the vent that we had rolled open for some air.   We put the animals in the truck and NJ soon brought to bear her old ACO skills and pried the critter out of the closet.  He was up on the bed then down the steps to the kitchen and out the door.

We attended the annual Christmas party last night for the campground.  We hold it at McCormicks a restaurant at the golf course in their upstairs area.  60 winter guests of the campground atrended.  Great food, good music from the 50's & 60's.

We are back doing our almost daily walks on the beach.  Temps have been very moderate in the high 60's and low 70's.  We picked up a bounty of "Welks" on St. Andrews today.

1 comment:

Ugley1 said...

Well, I'm glad you've finally returned to your blog - I only get to enjoy warm weather and thoughts through your (& Norma's) travels!

Question - are the two type of deer on the island those with, and those without antlers?

took a quick web-look.. appear to be some VERY large homes there.