Saturday, October 22, 2011

Livingston, LA

We arrived in Livingston, LA yesterday, just 30 east of Baton Rouge.  Some thoughts have been rattling around in this old brain and last night they seemed to come to a head.  As we travel around, campground to campground, its easy to get into the "vacation" frame of mind, but the realization is that there are many many familes out here living in campgrounds.  Last night we went to a "halloween" event in the pavillion and there must have been 50-60 kids there eating hot dogs & chips and the adults had set up different kinds of games for them.  It also occurred to me last night that the school bus in Texas went thru the campground.  I have no doubt that this is a sign of the times for many families who may have lost their homes and are now living in what may have been their summer camper in the past.  Sad to see but this is what we see in every campground we're in.  I can't help but think that what is going on in NYC and other places may be trying to make a point, as i sure as hell don't think that our current legislators are doing anything to help, but it has to go beyond the "occupy" thing.  It has to start in my opinion at the polls and I think that come this election the one way to start would be to boot all incumbents and start over.  I just don't see how anything is going to get done the way it's currently going.  Something has got to be done for these kids that are growing up in many trailers that came from the Katrina era and we see many and they simply aren't safe.  They sell them in Houston for $2,995 and have 1 window.  Well i guess its time to climb off the soapbox and get underway to Penscola, FL.  Thank your blessing all ye that have a warm and comfortable home.

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