Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Moxie Falls

Great day for a day trip to Moxie Falls in The Forks Maine.  Moxie Falls is reputably the highest waterfall in New England.  The falls are over 90ft high. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Little North

The summer is rapidly coming to a close.  Softball season ended the last weekend in August.  While we were here we managed to secure a work/camp position for next year at the Skowhegan KOA & an opportunity arose to come here this year and finish their season as they lost a couple that were working, so we decided that it would be a good move to come up here (its only 20 miles) from Waterville.  Looks like I am going to be learning to make Pizza.  They have pizza night on friday & saturday eve.  Looking forward to it, should be fun.  We will be here until Oct 1 and will then make our way to West Point, NY to see the academy, Hershey, PA, Morgantown, West Virginia & Ashville, NC before heading back to Jeklyll.