Thursday, November 24, 2011

Camp Update

NJ got me this flag for my birthday and the flag pole is in wide spread use in campgrounds so got the directions off the web.  The campground is in max use this week, a lot of locals come here as a tradition for their Thanskgiving day.  We have involved ourselves in the local winter guest activites and in fact we are the hosts for todays meal, which means make the coffee and clean up.  We are also on the Christmas planning group for the camp party that is held at one of the hotels here on the island.  NJ joins a group of women here for a ladies lunch at a different location every 2 weeks.  There is also a men's coffee group weekly where we meet to solve the world's problems.  All in all we are really happy that we found this place.  Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A living fossil - Say what?

Never having seen anything like this before Tim and I were most baffled but like most we went to Wikipedia and found that it is a Horse Shoe Crab.  Also that it is considered a "Living Fossil" and is more related to the tic than crabs.  Who knew?

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ft. Frederica

One of the goals of this journey was to visit National Parks.  On our neighbor island called St. Simons, pronounced (see-moan) is a National Monument called Ft. Frederica.  A little history....Upon arriving at Frederica, the colonists and soldiers, under the direction of Gen. James Oglethorpe constructed fortifications to protect them from Spanish invasion.  In 1742, the British defeated the Spanish at the Battles of Gully Hole and Bloody Marsh.  The Spanish retreated to Florida, and later would sign a peace treaty with the British, thus paving the way for the Colony of Georgia to be formed.

For my northern readers, it was 75 here today and we walked the beach.  just saying........

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Say what?

Apparently this sign has been in Brunswick for many years but the motel has been demolished.  I thought it was a curious how they referred to the owners.

The "Watering Hole"

I think this is a place where the marsh birds go to gossip.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The "Forgotten Woods" of Jekyll Island

It has become a daily ritual to walk one of the beaches at low tide and we love it and yes, retirement is tough.  We recently discovered what we call the "forgotten woods" beach totally by accident and thought we would share some photos with you.  The last picture is of Sadie enjoying the water (of course) but you will notice that Missy is no where to be found as she dislikes anything to do with getting wet.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Georgia On My Mind

Well we have officially become citizens of the State of Georgia.  Since we have decided that we are going to winter here and in fact have reserved space for the next 3 yrs, we got GA drivers licenses and are you ready for this, it costs $20 a yr to register your vehicles.  We have started making friends here, NJ is currently at an island restaurant on a "girls only luncheon".  Much to do here throughout the winter so we are really looking forward to the stay.  End of April we will start drifting back to Maine.